nur ungern an dieser debatte, wirft seinen hut hiermit aber doch
in den ring.
Daran anschließend stellt B. Frank seine wohlbegründete reihenfolge vor.
In einem weiteren artikel sortiert Michael Brüne die serie unter ganz besonderen gesichtspunkten neu. Und David Stimpson präsentiert seine verblüffend simple idee von reihenfolge. Gibt es also eine beste reihenfolge? Und lag man beim fernsehen mit der sogenannten "standardreihenfolge" richtig? Der autor des nachfolgenden beitrags meint ja.
Diese reihenfolge liefert eine gute verteilung von Village-basierten episoden und solchen aus dem studio, dazu die abfolge wechselnder Nummer Zweien. Und die beiden abschließenden episoden bilden das ende der serie. Von verschiedenen autoren wurde auf die jahreszeitliche vegetation, die belaubung der bäume und die blumen verwiesen. Aber in welchem land der Ort überhaupt ist, wissen wir nicht. Natürlich bleiben bei der "standardreihenfolge" weiterhin ungereimtheiten
bestehen, die jedoch der serie etwas geheimnisvolles verleihen. Nach meinung des autors wäre es auch unmöglich gewesen, alle drehbücher miteinander abzugleichen. Denn sie wurden schließlich zu verschiedenen zeitpunkten und von mehreren autoren geschrieben.
Dieser artikel erschien im SIX-OF-ONE-mitgliedermagazin "Contact Imminent" nr. 9, sommer 2011. Eine deutsche fassung existiert (bislang) nicht.
Die Ankunft Number Six might not have been taken immediately to the Village. Those in charge would have needed some time to Set it all up, have his file ready and brief the people who would be meeting him. However, regardless of how long Number Six might have been 'in transit', this is the first episode.
Die Glocken von Big Ben Number Six is apparently back in London and is asked to recall his first day in the Village. Some time has passed and his absence is described as "a gap of months". An elaborate trick is played on the prisoner to teach him that escape is not possible. This needs to happen early on in the series showing how devious and powerful the Village can be.
A. B. und C. Allowing for the stated six weeks time Span of "Chimes", awaiting the Arts and Crafts Exhibition, Number Six has by now been a captive probably for a few months. Assuming he was abducted in 'year one', around summer time (the opening sequence doesn't look like winter), he is now late into that year,
(recalling the "gap of months" stated in "Chimes").
Therefore this is probably now winter time, possibly into 'year
two'. Drugs are used in this story to make Number Six relive several
events or meetings, using film of the "most recent", a
party held apparently in summer time.
The Village wouldn't have put Number Six into an leadership election
soon after his arrival. A period of familiarization was needed first
and now, let's say early in 'year two', Number Six is referred to
as a "recent recruit". As an inmate he might be longer-
standing; it is as a "recruit" that he is recent.
The bedside calendar reads "February 10th'' (our 'year two')
and no more need be said. The reference to somebody dying "a
year ago" establishes nothing, as Number Six might not even
have known who the person was, or even if this was a real person.
Der General The "A, B and C" Number Two has another shot at Number Six. As a 'speed learning system', operated by somebody called only "The Professor", is the main feature of this story, Number Two is in the background. As he supervised the technology used in "A, B and C", he might well be trusted with a second chance, leaving all the hard work to the new electronic system. The character Number Twelve is said to have been around for "quite a long time" and this does not interfere with events.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch Number Six has a birthday, in March of our 'year two' and little more need be added. The Village would not have used the opening deserted place ploy until their prisoner had been given plenty of time to be devising possible escape plans, to be used if ever an opportunity arose. Number Six recalls that his London home lease "had six months left to run". This does not necessarily mean that he was taken from his home six months ago and the lease could, by now, already have expired, months ago.
Die Anklage In "Dance Of The Dead" the remarks that Number Six arrived "quite recently" or that he told his maid "l'm new here" are not conclusive. One can move house and still feel a
in a different neighborhood for up to a year. Remember, Number Six
says in Checkmate that he "used to" drink in the Hope
and Anchor pub. If he was recent in the Village he might describe
his pub in a way sounding more current, or recent.
Schachmatt These two stories come next but could be regarded as 'reversible'. In the latter, the Chess Champion observes that Number Six has not yet joined the enemy (which, he says, people do "in time"). This does not prevent Number Six from having been around for a few months. It is the first 'human chess' game he has come across and his behaviour is that of a novice.
oder Amboss
If Number Two were the character from "Many Happy Returns"
(both parts being played by Patrick Cargill), Number Six might behave
differently towards him. Clearly a good deal of time has passed
and Number Six knows Village procedures very well. We are now probably
well into our 'year two'.
Das Amtssiegel The annual Appreciation Day has come round and so another year is up. The retiring Number Two must have held office for a while, othenvise his own replacement would be simple, not a grand send-off. Number Six has settled in and has not even crossed swords with the outgoing Number Two.
Sinneswandel Drastic measures are finally used, saved as a last resort. Such extreme action, if overcome by Number Six early On, would have left nothing else to try later if it failed. Winter is returning and Number Six has now been in the Village for well over a year. In the story, birds are migrating, twigs are brittle and Number Six needs a rug for warmth.
2:2=2 A letter sent from Number Six is said to have been sent "over a year ago from London". The problem here, however, arises with Janet having lost her fianci on her birthday (in our 'year one') and finding him again once more at the time of her birthday (at least our 'year two'). A strip of film deposited at a camera shop is described as being left "just over a year ago". So Number Six was still free "over a year ago" and his abduction in summer of our 'year one' now takes us late into 'year two'.
Harmony The Village by now has to try extreme hallucinatory methods. This 'Western' cowboy scenario must have taken a very long time to Set up. The escalated assault on Number Six's mind has to occur soon after the "Forsake" 'mind-swap' trial, there being no more time to lose.
---3-2-1-0 This children's story can be left where it is. Number Six has won a fair number of battles by now and is supremely confident. He is about to endure his greatest struggle yet, in the next story. Pas de deux - Demaskierung Nobody would argue against these being the last two episodes. In "Fall Out" the President's speech tells us that Number Six has waged his one-man war for a long period of time. The last two episodes only Cover a week and so when (and if) Number Six is free. his incarceration has exceeded 18 months. |