The Prisoner Nummer 6 SPEEDLEARNWIE LANG, NR. 6?
12: No.
sind schätzungen, über deren plausibilität man sich unterhalten kann. Als ergebnis: Nummer Sechs wäre mindestens 198 tage im Ort, mithin deutlich über ein halbes jahr. Auch die korrektur der einen oder anderen zahl nach unten ändert daran nicht wesentlich etwas. Es könnte auch durchaus mehr sein. Die ziffern beziehen sich lediglich auf die zeit, die beide, Nummer Sechs und Nummer Zwei, gemeinsam ist bzw. die sie sich teilen. Dann nämlich, wenn die regentschaft einer der hier genannten Nummer Zweien länger wäre als gedacht, sich in dieser zeit aber nichts ereignet hätte, das in einer episodenhandlung zu sehen wäre. Aber das nur nebenbei. MEHR: AMTSZEIT VON NUMMER ZWEI * "Freie Wahl": Nur geschätzte bzw. willkürliche zahl. ** "Herzlichen Glückwunsch": 25 tage ist Nummer Sechs auf dem meer. Doch zuerst musste er bäume fällen (es sind 17 oder 18) und das floß bauen. Hier mit fünf tagen knapp bemessen. *** "Pas de deux": Nummer Zwei erhält eine "winzig kleine woche", die er mit Nummer Sechs verbringen würde, genehmigt. Ob diese woche jedoch sechs, sieben oder acht tage umfasst, ist nicht zu ersehen. Hier unterstellt acht tage. **** "Demaskierung": Völlig unklar bleibt, ob die ereignisse bis zur abfahrt des tiefladers mit der wohnzelle darauf wirklich am selben - am letzten - tag von "Pas de deux" stattfinden, wie es den anschein hat. Sodann, die dauer des "transfers" der geflüchteten bis zur ausfahrt aus dem eisenbahntunnel. Denn es ist nicht ausgemacht, dass es sich um eine szenenkontinuität von einigen minuten handelt.
HOW LONG, NUMBER SIX? One of the most asked questions with regard to THE PRISONER series is about the duration of Number Six' stay in the Village. No answer is given in the series itself which, as it would appear, happens with a good reason. There is the strategy of illusiveness and cover-up intended to conceal the geographic position of the place as well as to strengthen its overall mysteriousness. There would be mullings about the duration from just a few months to up over one year thereby drawing upon some actual dates within the MANY HAPPY RETURNS: NUMBER SIX KEEPS AN series in order to reach a meaningful conclusion. Febuary 10th, from "The Schizoid Man", is but one temporal indication, or else Number Six' date of birth (same McGoohan): March 19th. Also, the visible change of the seasons could be a hint towards a longer duration of Number Six in the Village. However, in this case it is a real coincidence because of the production circumstances. The first location shoot took place in September of 1966, being late summer. The second turn was in March of 1967, which is early spring. Now, upon deliberating the duration of Number Six' stay in the Village we can take one particular factor into account that remains constant throughout all episodes: Because as long as there is Number Six there's also Number Two. Considering the Number Twos tenure of office it should be possible to approximately estimate the duration of Number Six' incarceration. The right column is showing a number of periods of
time of which could be said they are certain, all others are estimations. It could well be disputed how plausible they are, though. As a result, Number Six would have been in the Village for at least 198 days, in other words: clearly more than one half year. Even if one figure or the other would be reduced the overall result would remain the same. Perhaps even more than that. Because the numbers would indicate only the assessed time of Number Six in conjunction with one certain sitting Number Two. MORE: NUMMER TWO'S TERMS IN OFFICE * "Free For All": Estimated or arbitrary number only ** "Many Happy Returns": Number Six is on sea for 25 days. But before that he'd have to fell trees (17 or 18 altogether) and construct the raft. Gets five days in addition which is scarce. *** "Once Upon A Time": Number Two is allowed "one teeny weeny week" that he'd have to spend with Number Six. However, whether this week is six, seven or eight days long remains unclear. Supposing eight here. **** "Fall Out": Whether the unfolding events leading to the departure of the truck with the living space mounted on it take place on the very same - the final - day of "Once Upon A Time", remains known, at least it appears to be the case; followed by the "transfers" of the refugees until the passage from the railway tunnel. Because we cannot be sure there's a continuity of the action behind the scene that we witness for a few minutes. |
"Wir sehen uns!" oder L'année dernière au Village · The Prisoner · Nummer 6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||